Andrew P..png


virgo | Sales Manager

1) Something you may not know about me… Despite my boisterous personality, I prefer intimate gatherings.

2) When I was 10 years old, I was… Rearranging my mothers ghastly design.

3) I cannot live without… Iced Coffee.

4) I’m dying to go to… Croatia.

5) I need…A personal trainer…lol.

6) If I were a superhero, I would have the power to… Alter Time

7) If you could only bring one thing to the moon… A way home.

8) All time favorite food… My grandfathers steak roll ups.

9) Your best day ever was… September 24th 2018

10) If I ruled the world… Formal dinner... casual everything else & Garden parties, lots of garden parties.

11) My go to karaoke song is… Solo: When you’re good to Momma, Chicago The Musical - Duet: Total Eclipse of the Heart